Annabel Prins

Annabel Prins

Professor, Psychology

What research questions currently preoccupy you?

How can I increase awareness of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in non-mental health settings (e.g., primary care settings)?

Besides screening for PTSD, what early interventions can increase psychosocial adjustment?

What personal factors contributed to your study of PTSD?

Contact with family members, friends, and patients who are still haunted by traumatic events and experiences.

What has been most challenging in your research?

Societal skepticism about PTSD.

How has your position in 菠菜网lol正规平台 contributed to your research?

Students at 菠菜网lol正规平台 have helped with participant recruitment, data entry, data analyses, and writing journal articles.

A hidden (research) talent:

I am able to identify and work with great research collaborators.

One book that changed your life (or research) and why:

Trauma and Recovery by Judith Lewis Herman. Herman recognizes that there are more similarities than differences in trauma survivors and that recovery requires stabilization, truth telling, and reconnection. It’s been over 20 years since this book was first published, but the meta-model it provides serves as the foundation for all of my clinical work with trauma survivors.

A website/journal/newspaper (in your field?) you follow without fail:

I enjoy the New York Times Science section, and I regularly use the National Center for PTSD website.

Advice you’d give to newer faculty or students:

“You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward.” (Don’t know author.)

“Just keep swimming.” (Dory, Finding Nemo)

RSCA Accomplishments

Prins et al., (2015, September). Usability, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of the online VA/DoD Moving Forward program. Paper presentation, National Center for PTSD.

Co-investigator (2015, December). Randomized clinical trials comparing peer supported and standalone use of online Moving Forward to waitlist control in two populations of veterans. Grant submitted to VA Health Research and Development program, Eve Carlson and Jason Owen (co-PI).